Monday 16 September 2013

Do-It-Yourself House Cleaning

Posted by Tina Mongeon On 05:36 | No comments
No one wants to live in a cramped, messy space. You can always pay someone to clean your home; but why spend money on house help if you can do it yourself? If you're by your lonesome and your house isn't a mansion, gear up and rise to the challenge of cleaning your home.

With a garbage bag in hand, walk along the halls of your home. When you see pieces of trash, don't hesitate to stuff them in the bag. Continue doing this until the floors are no longer littered with useless junk. Make sure the garbage bags are tightly sealed before dumping them outside your yard for pick up by garbage collectors.

Next, go to your room and work on the piles of clothes lying on the ground. Return them to their proper places in the closet and separate unused ones from those that need washing. After order is restored in the bedroom, tend to the dishes waiting for some scrubbing. Before returning cups, pans, plates, and utensils in the kitchen cabinet, see to it that they're dry.

No one knows your home better than you do. It should be easy to devise your own way of cleaning your home. Just promise yourself you won't slack off in the face of utter chaos; neglecting house affairs will haunt you in the future.


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