Friday, 23 August 2013

Use the Right Tools for Home Cleaning

Posted by Tina Mongeon On 05:33 | No comments
With the right cleaning supplies, home cleaning will be a breeze. It's a matter of choosing the right tool for the particular area you want to tidy-up. If you use the wrong tool or equipment, you might end up breaking furniture, damaging your wall, or leaving cracks on your tiles. Being extra careful when cleaning is very important if you want to keep your home clean and your furnishings intact.

Stains are probably the No. 1 enemies in every home; they can't be removed by simply using a dry cloth. The first thing to do is identify where the stain came from. Is it wine on the carpet, paint on your wooden floor, pen marks on your walls? Once you've done this, then you can start cleaning using the the appropriate stain remover. You can also use an all-purpose cleaner but check the label to be sure that it won't worsen the stain.

You can deal with dust on the surfaces of cabinets and appliances with a duster or a clean cloth. Make sure all your cleaning materials are newly washed before use, otherwise, you'll just be wasting your time and effort cleaning.

Consider your floor type and use the right cleaning solution for it. Marble or ceramic tiles may be sensitive to strong chemicals that can be corrosive. Carpet flooring requires delicate washing to prevent pulling off the piles. 


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